



July 1, 2005

David McCullough


Are you bored with history? Does it seem like you should take it literally and deride it as the old news it actually is? Well you just haven’t listened to a David McCullough book man. I’ll bet you go through your day and you don’t really think about a president like Truman (our 33rd president), but you have almost daily reminders of how great someone like Lincoln was, or how good looking JFK was. Well, I swear to you, if you listen to Truman right away, your mind will totally change and your eyes will open to a history you never even conceived of existing. At one point, I myself wasn’t a true believer either. History was the domain of cobwebbed volumes that sit in the darkened basement of some underused library in some burned out burg. Then I listened to McCullough and I was totally hooked. It was like War & Peace, the best episode EVER of the West Wing, and a Tom Clancy novel all mixed into one big history mash-up. You want honesty? McCullough is probably the best American Historian currently living and we’re lucky he keeps on putting out audio books for us to learn from every few years. If you haven’t listened to Truman or John Adams, do yourself a favor and give them a shot. I promise you, you won’t want to watch some action-packed-history-by-way-of-Micheal Bay movie like “Thirteen Days” again after you hear one of these books. Need help finding them all? Well I’m really glad you asked because I just made a David McCullough Author Page for you to get started.