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This Author: John Major Jenkins
This Publisher: Sounds True

The Mystery of 2012 by John Major Jenkins

The Mystery of 2012

Predictions, Prophecies & Possibilities

by John Major Jenkins

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
5 Hrs.


Long before 2012 entered the public eye, a handful of pioneers dedicated themselves to studying the scientific, spiritual, and prophetic evidence that marks this year as a critical time in our planetAs history. On The Mystery of 2012, eight of these thought leaders present reliable research alongside eye-opening revelationsAall to help you prepare for what lies beyond this crossroads. This companion audio to the book The Mystery of 2012 brings you new material from prominent journalists, futurists, and scholars about this emerging phenomenon, including: John Major Jenkins on the prophecies encoded in the original Mayan calendarAand how they are manifesting in our time Daniel Pinchbeck on Athe make-or-break pointA in human historyAwhich factors will decide our fate for good or ill Peter Russell on the accelerating pace of evolutionAwhy 2012 will be a Asingularity in timeA for humanity Jean HoustonAs exploration of the new spiritual renaissance that could unlock our untapped potential New recordings from Barbara Marx Hubbard, Carl Johan Calleman, Corinne McLaughlin, and Ervin Laszlo Some fear the world will end in 2012. Others predict another over hyped AY2KA no-show. What will really happen? Here is your chance to hear from some of the most informed and intriguing experts about this upcoming landmark as they explore The Mystery of 2012.

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