YouTube Free Video Courses
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78 Titles
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The complete lectures from Dr. Arthur Holmes' influential course, "A History of Philosophy."
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In this course taught by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Olen Butler, you will learn how to write a short story from the ground up, starting from the germ of an idea to a finished manuscript.
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How are people affected by overcrowding, traffic congestion, and noise? Why do people litter or vandalize their environments? How do buildings affect their occupants?
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In this course, students learn how to analyze fluids at rest (fluid statics) and fluids in motion (fluid dynamics). Fluid mechanics topics are distributed between ME 3111 (Fluid Mechanics) and ME 3121 (Intermediate Thermal-Fluids Engineering).
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This is a short course on the History of Mathematics, in 12 lectures. We roughly follow John Stillwell's book `Mathematics and its History' (Springer, 3rd ed).
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Biodiversity and the Meaning of Human Existence given by E.O. Wilson to the Nicholas School of the Environment. February 3 - 14, 2014.
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Survey of Western philosophical thought in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, its historical background and its influences on subsequent intellectual developments.
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This playlist covers some (but not all) of the basic concepts covered in Finite Mathematics courses.
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Survey of Western philosophical thought in the ancient period from the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, the Sceptics, Stoics, Epicureans. Particular choices of texts and philosophical ideas may vary.
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Online Video (Free)
Watch Tal Ben-Shahar's popular Harvard course "Positive Psychology" available for free on YouTube. Tal Ben-Shahar goes beyond traditional self help teaching by focusing on the scientific research into positive psychology and what truly makes people happy.
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