Vibrance Press
Audio Books
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55 Titles
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If you're one of the many who suffer from anxiety and are looking for ways to ease your suffering, then this book offers hundreds of ways to combat your anxiety.
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Ecosystems require balance to survive, and when that balance is compromised, as in the extinction of a resource or a species, disaster can fall onto the system as a whole.
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Raise Your Kids to Succeed: What Every Parent Should Know describes what parents can do to be effective and help their children succeed, both in school and in life.
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Staying happily married has become a difficult proposition in recent times. Although the institution is still firmly embedded in our culture, divorce rates have steadily climbed since the 1960s.
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If you liked Crucial Conversations, The Challenger Sale, or books by Grant Cardone, you’ll love Closing the Sale.
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If you want your company to thrive, you need to break one of the oldest unwritten rules of leadership.
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"It's like the meanest, wildest monkey running around my head, constantly looking for ways to bite me."
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Blamestorming outlines the reasons why our daily conversations go wrong, explains how to respond when they do, and provides tips on how to stop them from going wrong in the first place.
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With the constant connectivity of today's world, it's never been easier to meet people and make new friends - but it's never been harder to form meaningful friendships.
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Neuroscientists estimate that over 90 percent of our operating systems - beliefs, behaviors, patterns - are unconscious. Since the surface story determines less than 10 percent of our decisions, how can we illuminate the shadow story responsible for over 90 percent of what we do each day?
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