Veritas Forum
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Although J.R.R. Tolkien did not invent heroic fantasy, in the latter part of the twentieth century, The Lord of the Rings has become almost a standard literary form for the genre.
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In this lecture delivered at Stanford University philosophy professor and Christian author Dallas Willard looks at the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche and Jesus Christ in relation to our current worldview.
The Veritas Forum podcast collects various lectures from leading thinkers within the modern Christian community. Here you will listen to lectures on topics such as Science v. Religion, the existence of God, Intelligent Design, and much more.
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Three advocates argue for their differing belief systems in this lecture released by the Veritas Forum. Christian, Buddhist and Secular perspectives are each given equal weight in addressing humanity's long quest for knowledge and meaning
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Moral relativism, says Koukl, is not an alternative way to think about morality, nor is it a refinement of how we are to think of morality—rather, it is an outright denial of morality.
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Alvin Plantinga, known for his work in philosophy of religion, epistemology, metaphysics, and Christian apologetics, argues that some can know that God exists as a basic belief.
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Erwin McManus points out that often the Christian emphasis on grace can lead believers into a position of apathy.
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John Walton and Erin Darby discuss their perspectives on the Old Testament at The Veritas Forum: "Reading the Old Testament: The Ancient Origins and Authority of Scripture" at the University of Tennessee, 2015.
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In this lecture released by the Veritas Forum, Christian thinker James W. Sire explains why belief is central to human existence. He argues provacatively that belief is so fundamental to how we interact with reality, that it makes the distinction between religion and science a moot point.
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Where is God in suffering? Oxford Professor of Mathematics, John Lennox, speaking at The Veritas Forum at Harvard Med School, 2014.
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