University of Houston Free Online Video Courses
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37 Titles
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Watch this course covering the Fundamentals of Public Speaking taught by professor Deborah Bridges at the University of Houston.
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An overview of the interactions among seven major cultural traditions (Judeo-Christian, Graeco-Roman, Indian, Chinese, African, Islamic, American Indian), from c.e. 1500.
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Online Video (Free)
Principles and theories of psychology including methodology and brief analysis of major content areas ranging from development, perception, and learning to motivation/emotion, personality, and social processes.
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Works by major British authors representative of the romantic, Victorian, and modern periods.
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The goal of this course is to explore the psychology of gender through an understanding of biological and archetypal dimensions of Female/Male, Feminine/Masculine and contra-sexuality as a basis for gender differences, social behaviors, roles and public policies.
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Causes and effects of modern revolutions from the English Civil War of the 17th century to the Iranian Revolution at the end of the 20th century.
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A comparative survey of six major geographical and cultural areas (West Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Africa, Europe, and Meso-America) from 4000 B.C. to c.e. 1500.
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History, culture, and religion of Vikings from their Indo-European roots and migration to Scandinavia through their invasions of Europe, excursions to North America, and trade with the Byzantine and Muslim worlds: state-building and impact on world history.
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The Swedish Academy, comprising 18 lifetime members, each year awards the Nobel Prize to the world’s greatest writer for a lifetime of writing achievement.
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Theories of personality and their applications to current individual and societal psychological problems.
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