The Master's Seminary
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14 Titles
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An exegetical analysis of the first eleven chapters of Genesis with emphasis on problems having interpretive and theological significance.
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A survey of the entire New Testament, devoting special attention to the major lessons of each book. The course examines the historical, cultural, and geographical setting for the New Testament and for each book.
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This class develops a pathway that begins with the hermeneutical principles for interpreting the Old Testament.
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The first course will provide you with basic vocabulary and understanding of the essential principles of phonology, morphology, and syntax.
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A survey study designed to give you a sense of perspective and appreciation of the church since the time of Christ. Primary attention is devoted to the major events, individuals, and issues which have played significant roles in the history of the church.
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A study of prolegomena, dealing with the essence and source of systematic theology, and reasons for its study; theology proper, including revelation, trinitarianism, and God's relation to the universe; and bibliology, emphasizing inspiration and inerrancy.
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A careful biblical and theological development of a consistent apologetic. The course provides a basis for the evaluation of various empirical systems as well as a working knowledge of presuppositionalism for use in all aspects of practical ministry.
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In the second course, you will read selected portions of the Hebrew Old Testament (with a view towards greater dexterity in handling the Hebrew text), increase vocabulary, learn the basic use of language tools, and gain exposure to the major genres of the Old Testament.
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Survey the entire Old Testament with a focus on understanding the major contents of each book.
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A survey study designed to give you a sense of perspective and appreciation of the church since the time of Christ. Primary attention is devoted to the major events, individuals, and issues which have played significant roles in the history of the church.
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