National Film Board of Canada Documentaries
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57 Titles
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This documentary introduces us to Stephen Jenkinson, once the leader of a palliative care counselling team at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital.
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This feature documentary explores the daily lives of individuals living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), a misunderstood anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts, nagging fears and ritualistic behaviour.
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Constable Al Arsenault, along with six other policemen, document the people on their beat to create a powerful film about drug abuse.
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This documentary reveals the exploratory work of a team from the University of Montreal who seek to understand the states of grace experienced by mystics and those who meditate.
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Sophie Bissonnette's documentary analyzes the hypersexualization of our environment and its noxious effects on young people.
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This documentary takes an in-depth look at the witch hunts that swept Europe just a few hundred years ago. False accusations and trials led to massive torture and burnings at the stake and ultimately to the destruction of an organic way of life.
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In this feature documentary, American community organizer and writer Saul Alinsky goes to war against the conditions that keep the poor in poverty. The film shows how he helped Black ghettos in the United States find an effective, non-violent method of fighting for their rights.
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Join an infectious flamenco dance class given to senior students of the National Ballet School of Canada by two great teachers from Spain.
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This 1965 documentary from the National Film Board of Canada captures Leonard Cohen's career as a noted poet and novelist before he launched his career as a singer-songwriter in 1967.
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In this short documentary, Canadian concert pianist Glenn Gould enjoys a respite at his lakeside cottage.
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