Microsoft Research
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Most thinking about money assumes your financial life is separate from the rest of your life, but it is time to put those things back together.
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The legendary Omaha investor has sworn never to write a memoir, but now has allowed one writer unprecedented access to explore directly with him and those closest to him his work, opinions, struggles, triumphs, follies and wisdom.
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Simon Sinek's mission is to help people wake up every day inspired to go to work and return home every night fulfilled by their work.
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Constructed between 1987 and 1989 and costing more than $200 million, Biosphere 2 was an experiment to test if and how people could create, live, and work inside a closed biosphere while carrying out scientific experiments.
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Jaron Lanier is the bestselling author of You Are Not a Gadget, the father of virtual reality, and one of the most influential thinkers of our time.
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Maria Semple's new Seattle-based book, Where'd You Go, Bernadette, is a hilarious take on our fair city and all it has to offer…
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We live in a world of great and increasing complexity, where even the most expert professionals struggle to master the tasks they face. Longer training, more advanced technologies: neither seems to prevent grievous errors.
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Sarah Wilson thought of herself as a relatively healthy eater. She didn't realize how much sugar was hidden in her diet, or how much it was affecting her well-being.
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In this revolutionary weight-loss program informed by more than 1,200 scientific studies, fitness and diet expert (and Microsoft PM) Jonathan Bailor offers concrete evidence that the calorie-counting model of weight loss doesn't work.
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Microsoft Research had the pleasure of hosting Bill Gates at this year's Faculty Summit for a conversation on the Future Of Work with Eric Horvitz. They touched on the benefits of education, advancements in the workplace, and using technology for philanthropy.
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