Master Key Society Free Self-Help Audiobooks
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Take in the financial wisdom of this chapter called "The Richest Man in Babylon" from the bestselling 1926 book The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason.
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This book presents a simple yet powerful three-step plan for achieving one's desires by clearly defining goals, writing them down, and maintaining a focused, positive mindset to attract success.
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How to improve your life using 13 rules for success as presented by Napoleon Hill in 1954. Discover how these lessons and principles from his best-selling book THINK and GROW RICH (1937) and the LAW OF SUCCESS booklets (1925) can help you achieve whatever your mind can conceive.
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These live lectures are a master class on the science of success. The series contains 17 recordings made over several days and provide a complete overview of the principles that Dr. Hill spent a lifetime developing and perfecting.
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This record is a motivational program that emphasizes the necessity of setting clear goals, taking personal responsibility, and committing to the hard work and sacrifices required to achieve success.
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This book is a comprehensive guide to achieving personal and financial success through the use of creative visualization, positive thinking, and understanding the universal laws that govern prosperity and self-improvement.
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This book outlines ten fundamental principles, including self-discipline, kindness, and humility, to guide individuals towards a harmonious, balanced, and fulfilling life.
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This rare 29 minute lecture presentation about PMA - Positive Mental Attitude. It was recorded in 1963 and is one of Napoleon Hill's most popular principles. It is presented live by Dr. Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich.
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Approved by the Napoleon Hill Foundation, this rare first edition shares Napoleon Hill's philosophy of success based on principles such as desire, faith, and persistence, teaching readers how to achieve wealth and personal fulfillment by harnessing the power of their thoughts.
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This book explores the power of the subconscious mind and the concept of universal consciousness, teaching readers how to harness these forces for personal transformation and fulfillment through the affirmation "I am God."
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