Lannan Foundation Readings & Interviews on Audio & Video
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19 Titles
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With the dry wit that has come to make her a literary icon, Margaret Atwood reads selections from her work and discusses writing in this audio download released by the Lannan Foundation.
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In this recorded event from the Lannan Foundation, Howard Zinn introduces dramatic readings from Voices of a People's History of the United States which is a companion to his A People's History of the United States...
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In this inspiring oration from the Lannan Foundation, African American intellectual Cornel West calls for revival in America's democratic tradition which draws on our religious, philosophical, and literary history.
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Tariq Ali was born in Lahore, now in Pakistan, then part of British-ruled India, in 1944. While at Punjab University, Ali organized public demonstrations against Pakistan's military dictatorship, and was consequently banned from participating in student politics.
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Timothy Ferris, called "the best popular science writer in the English language" by The Christian Science Monitor, is the author of Coming of Age in the Milky Way, The Mind's Sky, Galaxies and other best selling books on astronomy, physics, and the history of philosophy of science.
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Amy Tan is the author of The Joy Luck Club, The Kitchen God's Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, and The Bonesetter's Daughter.
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Susan Sontag spent her formative years in New York City, Tucson and Los Angeles and attended the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and Saint Anne's College at Oxford.
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Russell Banks, INCA's current president, is a prolific writer of fiction, whose titles include Searching for Survivors, The Relation of My Imprisonment, Continental Drift, Affliction, The Sweet Hereafter, and Cloudsplitter.
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Arundhati Roy is the author of The God of Small Things, which won the Booker Prize in 1998.
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Lewis Lapham became editor of Harper's Magazine in 1976, having worked for the San Francisco Examiner and New York Herald Tribune.
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