Great Museums Documentaries
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Located in Clarksdale, Mississippi, this museum tells the powerful story of the origins of the Delta Blues. Narrated by Morgan Freeman. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV. For more information, visit
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Founded in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is a three dimensional encyclopedia of art history. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV.
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What do the superstars of modern art have in common with the Vincent Black Shadow motorcyle? They share the stage at New York City's Museum of Modern Art, also known as MoMA. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV.
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Established in 1936, the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York is a wonderful place to explore America's favorite pastime and the great players who make it so popular. Produced for Public Television by Great Museums TV.
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The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington D.C. offers the single most important collection of art by women in the world.
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China: West Meets East at The Met showcases selections of Chinese masterworks from the Neolithic period and the Great Bronze Age to the Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, including ancient bronzes; precious porcelain; jade and carved lacquer; painted silk scrolls; and monumental Buddhist cave sculptures.
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Now called The National World War Two Museum, this New Orleans-based museum talks about war in human terms and celebrates the American spirit through the personal stories and artifacts of the American men and women who sacrificed and prevailed in an epic struggle against tyranny.
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As part of its mission to "advance research and scientific knowledge in conserving wildlife and to teach and inspire people to protect wildlife, natural resources, and habitats"…
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Founded in 1961, the DuSable is one of the first African-American museums in the U.S.
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An intimate look at the traditions associated with New Orleans music and the preservation of those traditions through the work of local musicians and educators who mentor young talent. For more information, visit
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