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15 Titles
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When Tory White's mom gets a job with the Atlanta Falcons, Tory demonstrates his uncanny ability to call football plays before they happen.
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A little too smart, a little too fat, Bobby Goodspeed has always been a go-along-to-get-along kind of guy.
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What if you went to a school where it was actually alright to be who you really are?
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When Troy White proved his remarkable "football genius" to the Atlanta Falcons, they brought him on board as a team consultant. Now, thanks to Troy's ability to predict winning plays, the Falcons are pulling in victories.
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A father's wounded heart. A mother's patient love. An eager boy, an impetuous girl, and, above all, the healing power of nature.
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It’s a well known fact that a new-born princess will often be subject to a curse—especially if her royal parents neglect to invite an important magical relative to the christening.
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The Trojan War is over, and Odysseus longs to return to wife and son on his island kingdom of Ithaca. But between hero and home stands an array of dangers unlike any ever faced by mortal man.
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Emmy was a good girl. At least she tried very hard to be good. She did her homework without being told. She ate all her vegetables, even the slimy ones. And she never talked back to her nanny, Miss Barmy, although it was almost impossible to keep quiet—some days.
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Join the showman, the sailor, the blonde, and the beast for one of the greatest adventures of all time, as the actors of Full Cast Audio sweep you into the pulse-pounding epic of King Kong, Eighth Wonder of the World!
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There is no finer way to welcome young people (or adults!) to the pleasures of Shakespeare than with these four masterful retellings of the Bard's most beloved plays....
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