
European Graduate School Video Lectures

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Slavoj Zizek, philosopher and author, talking about melancholy as the loss of the object cause of desire.

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Jacques Derrida speaking about Forgiveness in his Paris seminar "A Critique of Psychoanalysis", a public open lecture focusing on texts from Gilles Deleuze for students of European Graduate School…

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Jean Baudrillard thinking and talking about the violence of the image, the violence to the image, aggression, oppression, transgression, regression, effects and causes of violence, violence of the virtual, 3d, virtual reality, transparency, psychological and imaginary.

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Slavoj Zizek, philosopher and author, talking about the truth and irony of Buddhism.

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Slavoj Zizek, contemporary philosopher and psychoanalyst, discusses Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, Western Buddhism, the West, capitalism, science, ideology, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, psychoanalysis, bodhisattva, samsara, enlightenment, kharma, nirvana, war, Thomas Metzinger, free will, Benjamin Libet, Martin Heidegger, Patricia and Paul Churchland, and The Lion King.

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Jean Baudrillard, French cultural theorist, philosopher, political commentator, and photographer talking about cultural identity, politics, changing and becoming.

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Chantal Akerman and Catherine Breillat, filmmakers, directors, artists, and novelists discussing their work, films, movies, theories, dramaturgy, creativity and the process of creation, filming, filmmaking, directing, the relevance of the camera, subjectivity, editing, and the magic and strength of the screen.

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John Waters, American filmmaker, director, writer, personality, visual artist and art collector talking about his films, work, biography, ideas, taste, filth, trash, and philosophy.

1 - 8 of 8 Titles