Commonwealth Club of California Best Archived Videos
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The Commonwealth Club of California has been bringing fascinating speakers to their forum since 1903. Their podcast feed currently features many years of speaking events.
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Sullenberger had less than three minutes to plan and execute the water landing hailed around the world as the miracle on the Hudson last winter.
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When the Conficker computer "worm" was unleashed in 2008, security experts were dumbfounded. Through a Windows security flaw, the worm infected 12 million computers, including machines vital to air traffic and banking systems.
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Who is your mentor? Author Tim Ferriss went in search of guidance as he spoke with experts from the tech, business, sports and entertainment fields-and he's coming back to INFORUM to share their best advice for successfully navigating through life.
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Tim Ferriss presents some of the findings in his latest book The 4-Hour Body in which he used himself as a guinea pig to find out the fastest way to the best results when it comes to the human body.
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New Testament scholar and best-selling author Bart Ehrman is interviewed by Reverend Alan Jones on who really wrote the Gospels in this streaming interview provided by the CommonWealth Club.
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In his best-selling, first book, The Lean Startup, entrepreneur Eric Ries laid out a new road map to success for startups of all shapes and sizes, kick-starting a movement that quickly spread across the industry and inspired a generation of entrepreneurs.
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One of the world's most influential corporate leaders shares how a small Seattle coffee shop spawned a global empire. Schultz discusses what he's learned on his journey from small business owner to head of a company with more than 17,000 locations.
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In this talk economist Steve Levitt & journalist Stephen Dubner discuss their follow up book to Freakonomics called SuperFreakonomics. Levitt & Dubner describe how they met and ultimately came to write Freakonomics.
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Come hear from the amazing real-life Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Former CIA operative Robert Baer and his CIA "shooter" wife, Dayna, recount their days living as a CIA couple.
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