Center for Inquiry
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This was a lecture given during a 2007 CFI conference "Secular Society and its Enemies." Singer runs through various topics relating to Ethics and the talk wraps up with a few minutes of Q&A.
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In this hour-long lecture, Skeptic magazine founder, Michael Shermer examines the robust human appetite for belief in the unknown.
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William Lane Craig is an American Christian apologist, analytic philosopher and theologian. Craig's theological interests are in historical Jesus studies and philosophical theology, and his philosophical work focuses primarily on philosophy of religion, but also on metaphysics and philosophy of time.
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Search for the Chimera, A Lecture by James "The Amazing" Randi.
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This is a lecture given by Professor Alan Dershowitz on the topic of secularism. The talk was given during a 2007 conference in New York City, organized by the Center for Inquiry titled "Secuar Society and its Enemies."
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The panel features Richard Dawkins, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ann Druyan and Victor Stenger. Moderated by D.J. Grothe (of Point of Inquiry), it took place at the New York Academy of Sciences at a Center for Inquiry conference titled "Secular Society and its Enemies."
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