Biola University Free Online Video Courses
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Dr. Jon Rittenhouse addresses some of the primary issues confronting Christianity today. In addition to defending the conventions of Christian thought and ideology, Rittenhouse reveals the inconsistencies of many rival viewpoints including scientism and relativism.
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Management expert Ken Blanchard has authored over 35 books including the bestseller The One Minute Manager. In this recent talk from Biola University, Blanchard teaches leadership lessons from the Bible and Jesus Christ.
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A study of sound interpretation and application of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and specialized principles for various biblical genre and phenomena. A presentation of various approaches to studying the Bible.
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Examination of the theoretical perspectives of anthropology combined with a study of cultural subsystems, ideology and culture change with a special emphasis on how a Christian worldview informs the study of people and culture.
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A survey of psychology as an empirical/ behavioral science with a consideration of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian worldview
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Transformation is in short supply. There is plenty of knowledge of scripture out there but actually applying it in a way that changes you forever, that’s rare.
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Dr. Doug Hayward explains the basic aspects of culture that anthropologists use to analyze people groups.
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An expositional study of key passages and themes in Psalms, Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes.
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Independent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and / or topics from either or both testaments, thematically arranged to emphasize biblical, historical and / or systematic theology.
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Introductory study of the nature of spiritual theology and formation, which attempts to understand the nature of new life in Christ, the process of formation in the Spirit and the directives for cooperating with His work.
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