
Biography Channel Documentaries

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A man of passion, intensity, and purpose, George Washington remains one of the most celebrated men in America.

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Portrait of Jesus Christ focuses on the events that help us understand Jesus the man--the years in the wilderness, his ministry.

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Biographers, artists and excerpts from Van Gogh's letters and journals help tell the remarkable tale of a genius whose brilliance went unrecognized in his lifetime.

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He earned his nickname for bravery at Bull Run and led some of the most stunning campaigns of the Civil War. An outstanding leader and brilliant tactician, Stonewall Jackson is widely regarded as one of the greatest Confederate commanders.

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General Douglas MacArthur was one of America's greatest and most complex commanders a warrior so tough and determined that he helped win World War II with a simple promise: I shall return.

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He lived in an age of superstition and magic, and believed that he could foretell the future. Here is an in-depth look at the prophetic visions of Nostradamus.

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Story of the mother of Jesus that compares how theologians, the faithful, and historians have looked at her life through the centuries.

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As one of the most important minds of all time his name has become a universal synonym for genius. Born in Ulm Germany in 1879 Albert Einstein is perhaps best known for his ground-breaking theory of relativity which helped earn him the coveted Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

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A look at the wild, colorful life of the writer who created "Gonzo journalism"--an innovative mix of journalism, subjectivity, and fiction.

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The extraordinary life and times of the great military genius who took France to unprecedented heights of power, and then brought it to its knees when his ego spun out of control.

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