
Big Think Audio & Video

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In this fun video presented with an infectious passion for all things science, Michio Kaku explains how physics affects our daily lives and where it's leading us.

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Jeffrey Brenzel, Philosopher and Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at Yale University, argues why you should read old and outdated classics as opposed to just new books.

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In one of the most viewed videos from the popular video channel Big Think, billionaire investor and hedge fund manager William Ackman teaches about as much as can be taught about business and investing in 45 minutes.

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Big Think has been serving up bite-sized ideas from a wide variety of thinkers on their website and their popular YouTube channel since 2008. In their podcast (which now has over 200 episodes) they interview leading thinkers and entertainers.

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How did humans acquire language? In this lecture, best-selling author Steven Pinker introduces you to linguistics, the evolution of spoken language, and the debate over the existence of an innate universal grammar.

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Vivek Wadhwa attempts to give us a glimpse into the near future in this talk from Big Think. Wadhwa is the author of the book The Driver in the Driverless Car: How Your Technology Choices Create the Future.

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President Leon Botstein of Bard College steps boldly into the fray to answer one of the most enduring human questions: What is art?

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Give Paul Bloom one hour, and he'll teach you "the psychology of everything," illustrating some of the most fundamental elements of human nature through case studies about compassion, racism, and sex.

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Big Think sits with the Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and author of "Nothing Was the Same."

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In the next fifty years the world will face population problems that it has never faced before. Billions will live in mega slums without access to clean water or medical care.

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