Ayn Rand Institute Courses & Lectures
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25 Titles
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Grammar is the science that studies the methods of combining words into sentences. Discover how this normally dry subject is transformed into an engrossing epistemological field of study.
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This course was adapted from a series of lectures on the history of Western philosophy given by Dr. Leonard Peikoff to fans of Ayn Rand in the early 1970s.
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This documentary-style course traces Rand’s life (1905-1982) from the perspective of her goal to become a writer. Photographs, film clips, and audio of Rand’s own personal recollections enliven this narrative of her prolific career.
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Topics include: background material on Rand and the era in which she wrote the novel; an overview of the story; an analysis of the principal characters; detailed discussion of the main theme and a number of related sub-themes.
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This course is an in-depth treatment of three important issues in Ayn Rand’s moral philosophy: the virtue of justice, the evil of the initiation of physical force, and the virtue of independence.
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This course applies the principles of Objectivism to the question of how to present ideas effectively. Based on a ten-lecture course given in 1980 by Dr. Leonard Peikoff, this course identifies certain principles of intellectual communication and applies them to three areas: writing, speaking and arguing.
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This series of lectures was given by Leonard Peikoff in 1987, partway through the writing of his book Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand.
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This course presents an account of the philosophy of education from an Objectivist perspective. The course is adapted from recorded lectures that Dr. Leonard Peikoff gave at a conference for fans of Ayn Rand in 1985.
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Atlas Shrugged has been aptly described as "a hymn to logic." But today, logic textbooks contain only sterile, formalistic diversions from real-life issues.
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This is Ayn Rand’s flagship talk on capitalism. In this 1967 lecture, Rand gives an in-depth explanation of what capitalism is, why it is often misunderstood, and why it is the only social system consonant with man’s nature.
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