American Museum of Natural History
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The concept of nothing is as old as zero itself. How do we grapple with the concept of nothing?
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Join astrophysicist and Hayden Planetarium Director Neil deGrasse Tyson as he hosts and moderates a panel discussion dedicated to the perennial question "Is Earth Unique?"
The American Museum of Natural History presents over 200 public events each year, including lectures and presentations by scientists, authors, and researchers at the forefront of their fields.
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Can the entire universe be explained with a single, unifying theory? This is perhaps the most fundamental question in all of science, and it may also be the most controversial.
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Space exploration is entering a new era. Dozens of aerospace companies have emerged in recent years, all with the goal of commercializing space as never before.
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Our Earth's Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology, oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life.
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Celebrating decades of groundbreaking exploration in East Africa, renowned paleoanthropologists Donald Johanson and Richard Leakey shared the stage at the American Museum of Natural History on May 5 to discuss the overwhelming evidence for evolution in the hominid fossil record and why understanding our evolutionary history is so important.
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American Museum of Natural History's Director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson, hosted "Life the Universe and Everything: A Conversation with Neil deGrasse Tyson" at the Museum on June 2, 2010 as part of the ongoing free SciCafe series.
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Hosted by Hayden Planetarium Director Neil deGrasse Tyson, this year's debate pitted some of the experimentalists who claimed to have discovered faster-than-light neutrinos against their strongest critics.
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Isaac Asimov's famous Three Laws of Robotics might be seen as early safeguards for our reliance on artificial intelligence, but as Alexa guides our homes and automated cars replace human drivers, are those Three Laws enough?
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