
Audiobooks Narrated by Toby Mac

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Michael Tait and Toby Mac urge readers to take their stand for America's future by examining our past....

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Statesmen... may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. -John Adams.

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Michael Tait and Toby Mac urge readers to take their stand for America's future by examining our past....

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Bestselling recording artist Toby Mac has a passion for inspiring believers to step out and take action for their faith. Through compelling stories and Scripture, City on Our Knees will illustrate how Christians past and present have set aside differences, come together in unity, and stepped forward in action and in prayer.

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Michael Tait and Toby Mac urge readers to take their stand for America's future by examining our past....

1 - 5 of 5 Titles