
Audiobooks Narrated by Sue Andersen

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When Civil War widow Sarah Elizabeth Harper Monmouth found herself suddenly poor, crippled and sick, she was forced to live on a $40 annual income for a period of 3 years.

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Geronimo’s Story of His Life is the oral life history of a legendary Apache warrior.

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On the Trail of Don Quixote is an engaging 1890’s “record of rambles in the Ancient Province of La Mancha” by two artist friends, French author August Jaccaci and Spanish illustrator Daniel Vierge.

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Fortress-walled Saint Catherine's monastery on the Sinai peninsula has been a pilgrimage site since its founding by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the 6th century.

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Hazard Stevens and P.B. Van Trump, aided by the Indian guide Sluiskin, made the first documented successful ascent of Mt. Rainier on August 17, 1870.

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A great dog story, a well told tale--the naturalist and adventurer John Muir recounts how he and his companion, a dog named Stickeen, each, alone, confronted and conquered their fears of an icy Alaskan glacier in 1880.

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Queen Elizabeth the First of England, the Grand Turk at Constantinople, and an organ builder named Thomas Dallam—quite a trio.

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Imagine a young, twenty-something woman in 1860, reared “in the indolent life of the ordinary Southern girl” (which means she has never learned to cook); married to a professional man who knows “nothing of manual labor;” who is mother to a young son; and who has just found out she is pregnant with their second child.

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The only fire for the whole house was the kitchen stove, with a fire box about eighteen inches long and eight inches wide and deep…

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Abigail Adams lived the American Revolution as the wife of one of its central figures--John Adams.

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