
Audiobooks Narrated by Steven Menasche

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Jim Holt explores the greatest metaphysical mystery of all: why is there something rather than nothing? This deft and consuming narrative humanizes the profound questions of meaning and existence it confronts....

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Have you ever wondered if Satan is real? In his book Out of the Devil's Cauldron: A Journey from Darkness to Light, John Ramirez tells the story of how he was trained to be the third-ranked high priest of a satanic cult in New York City, casting powerful witchcraft spells and controlling entire spiritual regions.

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Today, machine learning underlies a range of applications we use every day, from product recommendations to voice recognition - as well as some we don't yet use every day, including driverless cars.

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Practical advice for making the shift to your first leadership position.

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It is the 21st century and humans have finally conquered the sea. Professionals now harvest plankton to feed the world.

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According to a study published in Chief Executive Magazine, the most valued skill in leaders today is strategic thinking.

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Why do four in every five employees quit their job? According to research, it's because they don't feel appreciated.

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Negotiation is the middle ground between capitulation and stonewalling, a back and forth between two parties trying to reach agreement.

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A freewheeling, sharpshooting indictment of a tech-besotted culture.

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Do you know how your customers experience your brand today? Do you know how they really feel? Do you know what they say when you're not around? Without defining experiences, brands will become victim to whatever people feel and share.

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