Audiobooks Narrated by
Simon Mattacks
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Unleash a killer combination of old and new sales strategies. How do you break through to impossible-to-reach executive buyers who are intent on blocking out the noise that confronts them every day?
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There is a large body of shared knowledge between the study of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management but despite the crossover, they are often treated as very distinct disciplines.
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It's no secret that authors have a love-hate relationship with Hollywood. The oft-repeated cliche that "the book was better than the movie" holds true for more reasons than the average reader will ever know.
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In 1889, satirist Jerome K. Jerome fully intended to write a serious travel guide when he and his two best friends embarked on a boating trip up the river Thames to Oxford.
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After a chance meeting in the pub, Roger Morgan-Grenville and his friend Duncan decide to take up beekeeping. Their enthusiasm matched only by their ignorance, they are pitched into an arcane world of unexpected challenges.
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Asked to name a great physicist, most people would mention Newton or Einstein, Feynman or Hawking. But ask a physicist and there's no doubt that James Clerk Maxwell will be near the top of the list.
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Financial journalist Nicholas Shaxson first made his reputation studying the "resource curse," seeing first-hand the disastrous economic and societal effects of the discovery of oil in Angola.
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Organizational structures are ineffective when they do not delineate and define accountabilities. Brian Dive focuses upon the implications of clear accountability for leadership, with an in-depth analysis of "distributed leadership" - a concept neglected in the leadership literature to date.
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In a world rife with willful chaos, how can order be restored? Philosopher Thomas Hobbes's answer, composed amid the violence of the English Civil War, revolutionized political thought.
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Featured title on PBS's The Great American Read in 2018 Having devoted his studies to optics and refraction, an impulsive scientist named Griffin has rendered himself invisible.
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