Audiobooks Narrated by
Shelly Frasier
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An oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem.
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How is Animals in Translation different from every other animal book ever published?
Animals in Translation is like no other animal book because of Temple Grandin.
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Potter's amazing universe of animals dressed in human clothing has taught and entertained children for nearly a century. Her love of animals and children is apparent in each of these twenty-one tales.
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Here's some good news for everyone who's ever been bullied into believing they can't speak their own language: The grammar snobs are bluffing.
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Cayce Pollard is a new kind of prophet - a world renowned "coolhunter" who predicts the hottest trends.
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Tripping the Prom Queen is an investigation of the dark secret of female friendships-the deep vein of female rivalry. Based on interviews with women across the social spectrum, Susan Shapiro Barash has exploded the myth that women are generally supportive of one another.
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Directed at men, "A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend" lays out the manly steps involved in becoming a good boyfriend, while still maintaining guy-dignity.
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In 1936, against a backdrop of swastikas flying and storm troopers looming, an African-American son of sharecroppers set three world records and won an unprecedented four gold medals…
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Post-baby boomer Generations X and Y make up about a third of the entire working population, yet all of the business advice books on the market seem to be written by (and for) those in the middle of their careers.
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A classic of magical fancy and enchanting wit, this children's tale follows the adventures of an intrepid quartet of heroes---Mole, Water Rat, Badger, and the incorrigible Toad.
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