Audiobooks Narrated by
Scot Wilcox
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This audiobook, the culmination of 40 years of theorizing about the moral status of animals, explicates and justifies society's moral obligation to animals in terms of the commonsense metaphysics and ethics of Aristotle's concept of telos.
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Social scientists have long argued over the links between crime and place. The authors of Communities and Crime provide an intellectual history that traces how varying images of community have evolved over time and influenced criminological thinking and criminal justice policy.
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It is hard to discuss the current film industry without acknowledging the impact of comic book adaptations, especially considering the blockbuster success of recent superhero movies.
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What is medicine and what is it for? What does it mean to be a good doctor? The Way of Medicine articulates and defends an account of medicine and medical ethics meant to challenge the reigning provider of services model...
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Biosocial criminology-and biosocial criminologists-focuses on both the environmental and biological factors that contribute to antisocial behavior.
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The Battle of Saratoga in 1777 ended with British general John Burgoyne's troops surrendering to the American rebel army commanded by General Horatio Gates.
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A recent phenomenon of charismatic renewal took place in Toronto in the mid-1990s.
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