Audiobooks Narrated by
Richard C. Hottelet
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With a culture dating back to at least 700 B.C., West Africa has a long and rich history. British influence after the 16th century, and especially in the 18th century, changed the region's course.
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The "southern cone" of South America has a vibrant yet checkered history. Argentina in 1920 was a productive and wealthy nation, yet by the 1980s was reduced to virtual third world status.
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With the war in Kosovo raging and debates heating up in Congress and in the media, most Americans still don't understand why this war erupted. Now, in this informative, timely All You Want to Know audiobook, the reasons for the conflict -- and the history behind it -- are brought to light.
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Thailand, Laos, and Burma have been known as the "Golden Triangle," because of their historically prominent role in the drug trade.
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The lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea contain some of the oldest cultures on Earth. Italy and the other countries of Europe and North Africa have played a central role in various expanding empires, and also in shrinking fortunes.
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Since Marco Polo, the fabled markets of China have drawn the west like a magnet. This ancient culture has been colonized by foreign powers, buffeted by war and revolution…
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Central Europe's ancient civilizations have long been dominated by empires: The Roman Empire, the Habsburg Empire, based in Austria, and more recently, the Soviet Communists.
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Colombia in the 1980s became known for its role in the illegal drug trade, and for political instability and violence caused by this problem.
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