Audiobooks Narrated by
Phillip J. Sawtelle
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11 Titles
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In this book, Murray develops a strong argument calling for a return to Jeffersonian ideals of community, local government, and individualism.
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Published in 1987, before the overthrow and execution of Nicolae Ceausescu, this book was written by the former chief of Romania’s DIE, their equivalent to our CIA.
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With this pathbreaking critique, Murray challenges the orthodox view of the welfare state as benefiting the poor.
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In this important chronicle of the intellectuals in America during the 1960s and the serious consequences they provoked, Podhoretz demonstrates his special gift for discerning the intellectual spirit of the times.
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Writers’ blood has often been shed when they boldly expressed their opinions, opinions that sway political leaders to shed the blood of others.
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Cunningham's skillful narrative pictures the public career of: (1) the author of the Declaration of Independence; (2) Governor of Virginia; (3) Minister to France; (4) Secretary of State; and (5) third President of the United States.
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This is a fascinating and thoroughly researched reconstruction of the pivotal fourteen years from 1776 to 1790 in which our nation was formed.
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This collection of essays all relate to a common concern: the tendency of democratic republics to depart from their original animating principles and, as a consequence, to precipitate grave crises in the moral and political order.
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Subtitled The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, this is the most comprehensive works ever written on the right to bear arms...
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Through studious research into past civilizations, Burnham diagnoses the current age and finds it afflicted with destructive, nay, suicidal tendencies, which arise from the “liberal syndrome” and its applications.
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