
Audiobooks Narrated by Peter Lerman

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Celebrating thirty years as a classic in its field and recommended by therapists worldwide, The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook is an unparalleled, essential resource for people struggling with anxiety and phobias.

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This is the first serious biography of a man widely considered one of Texas' - and America's - greatest songwriters. Like Jimmie Rodgers, Woody Guthrie, Robert Johnson, and Hank Williams, Townes Van Zandt was the embodiment of that mythic American figure, the troubled troubadour.

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Over $6 trillion changes hands in the foreign exchange market every day. You can jump straight into the action with expert guidance from the hands-on Currency Trading for Dummies. You'll learn how the foreign exchange market works...

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They're loyal, loving, and big-hearted - dogs are our best friends for a good reason. Yet they have much more to offer than just love and friendship. Let CEO Scott MacDonald and rescue dog Sadie show you how to have a more rewarding life and a more successful career in Think Like a Dog.

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To the wild and fabulous country where the Rio Grande makes its big bend, J. O.

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Investing for your future is wise and essential. Of course, you want to make solid investment choices and minimize mistakes.

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After death, Townes Van Zandt found the success that he sabotaged during life.

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If you're a general manager or CFO, do you feel you're spending too much on IT or wishing you could get better returns from your IT investments? If so, it's time to examine what's behind this IT-as-cost mindset.

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The Taxable Investor's Manifesto: Wealth Management Strategies to Last a Lifetime is written for every investor with taxable wealth and every advisor who serves them.

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Since the 1970s, the name Stephen King has been synonymous with horror. His vast number of books has spawned a similar number of feature films and TV shows...

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