Audiobooks Narrated by
Pam Ward
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146 Titles
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i>The Invisible Thread tells of the unlikely friendship between a busy executive and a disadvantage young boy, and how both of their lives changed forever....
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Love Is a Verb takes Dr. Gary Chapman's teaching to the next level. Rather than a typical marriage self-help book filled with lengthy explanations of principles and techniques, it is a compilation of true stories displaying love in action.
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In the era of questionable Internet "facts" and parental oversharing, it's more important than ever to find credible information on everything from prenatal vitamins to screen time.
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An insightful look at the rituals and reasons of collective ecstasy by the bestselling author of Nickeled and Dimed.
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With Negotiate Without Fear: Strategies and Tools to Maximize Your Outcomes, master negotiator, Kellogg professor, and accomplished CEO Victoria Medvec delivers an authoritative and practical resource for eliminating the fear that impedes success in negotiation.
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Solitary Witch is the ultimate Book of Shadows for today's new witches.
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In 1954, in a remote South American village, a four-year-old girl was abducted and then abandoned deep in the Colombian rainforest....
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Sometimes life is hard. We walk through loss, heartache, and disappointment. But thankfully we don't do it alone. God is with us every step of the way, just as he was with the women of ancient times whose lives, struggles, trials, and triumphs are recorded in Scripture.
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Drawing on the wisdom of Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and others, Nancy Sherman's Stoic Wisdom presents a compelling modern Stoicism that teaches grit, resilience, and the importance of close relationships in addressing life's biggest and smallest challenges.
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Many contemporary political thinkers are gripped by the belief that their task is to develop an ideal theory of rights or justice for guiding and judging political actions.
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