
Audiobooks Narrated by Natalie Hoyt

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A new edition of Devora Zack's classic bestseller (over 120,000 sold in 15 languages) on networking techniques that leverage the strengths of the mingling-averse, updated throughout, with two new chapters.

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We've seen the negative impact of self-serving leaders in every sector of our society.

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The new edition of the best-selling employee development classic includes advice on talent retention in the gig economy and a new chapter on creating a career-development culture in your organization.

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There has truly never been a better time to be an author. For the first time...

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A guide for bold, inclusive conversations. Politics, religion, race - we can't talk about topics like these at work, right? But in fact, these conversations are happening all the time, either in real life or virtually via social media.

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Only 35 percent of the 240 million metric tons of waste generated in the US alone gets recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

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This is the first book to fully adapt the principles of agility for government leaders, who want to make their organizations more effective and nimble while better serving their public mission.

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This first comprehensive guide to helping mentors and mentees bridge gaps between and among cultures - a growing issue in today's diverse workplace - is co-authored by the founder and CEO of the Center for Mentoring Excellence.

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A detailed framework for leaders to move past outdated workplace blame and shame strategies to cultivate resilient teams capable of facing adversity and setbacks confidently.

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Too many entrepreneurs, particularly mission-driven ones, try to avoid raising capital, assuming that they can't offer the kind of returns they think investors demand.

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