Audiobooks Narrated by
Mikael Naramore
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Dr. Kai-Fu Lee - one of the world's most respected experts on AI and China - reveals that China has suddenly caught up to the US at an astonishingly rapid and unexpected pace.
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Why we learn the wrong things from narrative history, and how our love for stories is hard-wired.
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Anton Chekhov is now justly celebrated as one of Russia's greatest writers, but this reputation was hard won in his time.
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The power of laughter triumphs over illness in Norman Cousins's bestselling classic memoir that revolutionized medicine.
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Enter the matrix...and discover a whole new reality for your organization.
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In a rarified world of scientific research, a revolution has been brewing. Its activists are not anarchists, but rather Nobel Laureates in physics and economics and pony-tailed graduates, mathematicians, and computer scientists from all over the world.
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An unprecedented look at German operations on the Russian Front during World War II.
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In-vin-ci-ble: incapable of being overcome "When you grow up living with domestic violence, witnessing those you love tear each other down with physical and verbal blows, your brain doesn't know how to deal with that.
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Khorramshahr, Iran, May 1982 - It was the bloodiest battle of one of the most brutal wars of the twentieth century, and Najah, a 29-year-old wounded Iraqi conscript, was face to face with a 13-year-old Iranian child soldier who was ordered to kill him.
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