
Audiobooks Narrated by Michael Scott

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This audio book, released by ThoughtAudio.com isolates everything uttered by Christ in the gospel according to Matthew. Extracted from the narrative of the Bible, Christ's message is distilled to its core values.

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In many works by Herman Hesse, the German novelist and Nobel Prize winner, there is a theme depicting the duality of spirit and nature, body versus mind...

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Like many other philosophical writings, the Tao Te Ching is a timeless Chinese treasure. The ancient writings are credited to Lao Tzu...

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Call of the Wild is the story of Buck, a magnificent dog who is stolen from his idyllic life and sold for use on a Yukon dogsled team.

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Franz Kafka's novella is a bonafide 20th century classic about a traveling salesman that wakes up one morning to find his body has been transformed into that of a giant dung beatle.

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Written in China over two thousand years ago, The Art of War provides the first known attempt to formulate a rational basis for the planning and conduct of military operations

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This F. Scott Fitzgerald story was recently adapted into a major motion picture. Hear the story behind the film, as Fitzgerald tells the fantastic tale of Benjamin who is born as a seventy-year-old man in 1860 and grows younger throughout his entire life.

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a 19th century literary masterpiece and key philosophical work by Nietzsche.

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This is a short story about a lawyer with offices on Wall Street in New York City.

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Anthem sets the stage for what's to come in Rand's later works. It's an entertaining science fiction novella and a great introduction to Ayn Rand's philosophy.

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