Audiobooks Narrated by
Michael Edwards
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This book offers persuasive warnings against the dangers of central planning, along with what Orwell described as “an eloquent defense of laissez-faire capitalism.”
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Sowell explains that most people have one of two contrasting visions, “constrained” and “unconstrained,” described in terms we recognize as associated with the political Right and political Left.
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As a young Yale graduate, Buckley took on the school’s staff, citing their diversion from the tenets on which the institution was built.
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This classic statement of economic liberalism or the policy of laissez-faire was first published...
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In his autobiography we see him as a product of the Age of Enlightenment, a Yankee statesman who could use the language of Addison, Steele, Swift, and Defoe.
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Who are the masses? José Ortega y Gasset, one of the intellectual leaders of the Spanish republican government, saw them as the group of people disposed to mediocrity, opposed to excellence, and inclined towards conformed thinking.
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Milton Friedman argues that the appropriate role of competitive capitalism occurs when the majority of our economic activity flows through private enterprise within a free market environment.
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How can we benefit from the promise of government while avoiding the threat it poses to individual freedom?
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These eighty-five letters in support of the Constitution are recognized as the most important political-science work ever written in the United States.
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