
Audiobooks Narrated by Joseph Campanella

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Call him the 6 billion dollar man - Revlon's C.E.O., Ron Perelman is one of the richest men in America...

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Selections from Reader's Digest magazine's most popular series The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met.

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Learn the leadership skills to build a better, more profitable business with the help of Max DePree...

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Incredibly, no book or document until now has set forth a detailed, step-by-step plan for solving the drug problem in the U.S....

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In 1995, for all practical purposes, the United States will have spent itself into bankruptcy....

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We are now able to lengthen our lives, prolong our healthy and vital years and reduce the risk of chronic, debilitating illnesses that have come to define old age....

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This biographical epic is the story of the rise and fall of an American dynasty. It examines myth...

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Thirty-five years ago, Wayne Huizenga rose before the sun to run his garbage collection route....

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Why is the United States losing its war on drugs? Celebrated Manson prosecutor Vincent T. Bugliosi...

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The Supreme Court is an island of sanity remaining in the sea of insanity that is our society. Or is it?...

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