
Audiobooks Narrated by Jeff Riggenbach

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In this eloquently persuasive book, Neil Postman examines the deep and broad effects of television culture on the manner in which we conduct our public affairs and how “entertainment values” have corrupted even the way we think.

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Called by H.L. Mencken, "one of the few economists in history who could really write," Henry Hazlitt achieved lasting fame...

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Download what is considered to be Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises' magnum opus entitled Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. In this book Mises argues for laissez-faire capitalism and concludes that the free-market economy serves as the foundation of civilization.

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The audio book version of What Has Government Done to Our Money?, by Murray N. Rothbard, as read by Jeff Riggenbach.

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Neil Postman offers historical and social arguments to support his theory that the U.S. is in danger...

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The audio book version of The Driver, by Garet Garrett, as read by Jeff Riggenbach.

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The Glory and the Dream contains a huge, abundant history of the United States from 1932 to 1972, encompassing politics, military history, economics, the lively arts, science, fashion, fads, social change, sexual mores, communications, and graffiti.

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The audiobook version of "The Ethics of Liberty," by Murray N. Rothbard, with an Introduction by Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Read by Jeff Riggenbach.

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Neil Postman, an author and academic, and Steve Powers, a television journalist, reveal the difference between what TV news says it is presenting and what it actually delivers, entertainment fodder versus genuine news.

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Economic Facts and Fallacies is designed for people who want to understand economic issues without getting bogged down in economic jargon, graphs, or political rhetoric.

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