Audiobooks Narrated by
Jean Chatzky
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With her characteristic down-to-earth style, Chatzky offers step-by-step practical advice for building wealth and being happy.
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The popular Today financial editor Jean Chatzky helps you navigate through the critical challenges and potential catastrophes of personal finance....
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Women have more money - and power - than ever before. So why are we still so conflicted, and unsure, of what or how to deal with it? Today Show financial editor and best-selling author Jean Chatzky provides the much-needed answers in Women with Money.
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Can you really start from nothing and become truly secure financially?
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Two of the world's leading experts explain the vital link between health and wealth that could add years to your life and dollars to your retirement savings.
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Today everyone is talking about money: how to spend it, how to save it, and how to invest it...
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