
Audiobooks Narrated by Hugh McGuire

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Listen to this classic text on how to speak and write correctly in English. The author Joseph Devlin purports that the book "is merely an effort to help ordinary, everyday people to express themselves in ordinary, everyday language, in a proper manner."

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Listen to the unabridged final edition of Walt Whitman's seminal work of American poetry Leaves of Grass. First published in 1855, Whitman continued to expand and revise this work from 12 poems to nearly 400 poems in 1891 when he published his "deathbed edition".

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Listen to this classic work of philosophy written by Boethius in 524 AD. Boethius wrote this work while awaiting trial for which he was executed.

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Get in the Irish spirit with James Joyce's classic collection of short stories called simply Dubliners. These 15 short stories published in 1914 depicted the Irish middle class life in Dublin in the early 20th century.

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John Ruskin (1819 – 1900) is best known for his work as an art critic and social critic, but is remembered as an author, poet and artist as well.

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Still considered one of the most radical works of fiction of the 20th Century, James Joyce's Ulysses ushered in the era of the modern novel. Loosely based on Homer's Odyssey, the narrative follows Leopold Bloom and a number of other characters through an ordinary day, twenty four hours, in Dublin, on June 16, 1904.

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Aphorisms from the Stoic Greek.

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A series of lectures on landscape painting delivered at Oxford in 1871, by artist, critic, and social commentator, John Ruskin.

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