Audiobooks Narrated by
Herb Cohen
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Every day, you negotiate for something: prestige, money, security, love. This straight-talking guide will show you how to...
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Herb Cohen is the author of You Can Negotiate Anything, the book that has sold over 1.4 million copies and was on the New York Times Bestseller list for over 9 months.
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Employing a geocentric perspective, Herb Cohen shows you how others often see bargaining as an enriching social exchange...
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Care...but not that much has become Herb Cohen's mantra. In the twenty years since the classic You Can Negotiate Anything was published, negotiating has become a way of life.
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When You Can Negotiate Anything was published in 1980, it was an immediate bestseller, remained on the New York Times bestseller list for almost a year, was translated into twenty-one languages and eventually sold almost three million copies.
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First in a four-tape series--from the World's Greatest Negotiator--revealing the secrets of success. Cohen shows how to make everything a "win-win" situation for everyone.
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Here with wit and wisdom, Herb Cohen reveals his own conceptual canopy - a step-by-step approach...
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Using the metaphor of "the game," this audio illustrates how conscious inattention ("caring, but not that much") will produce heightened awareness...
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