
Audiobooks Narrated by Heath McClure

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It's time for a new generation of leaders to rise up and take charge. The Catalyst Leader is the ultimate guide to get there. After thirteen years of gathering...

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A practical guide to overcoming fear from the daredevil who has walked on a tightrope across Times Square and the Grand Canyon.

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God won't give you more than you can handle. This is one of the most common and least helpful reassurances floating around Christian circles. It is anything but biblical. The truth is that God does allow a lot more than we can handle. But why?

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Why does a contented, satisfied life feel so evasive? What deep hungers drive the reckless purchasing habits, out of control accumulation, and crazy consumer lifestyle for so many of us?

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Man Enough challenges the idea that there is one way to be a man.

1 - 5 of 5 Titles