Audiobooks Narrated by
Harry Reasoner
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A cluster of five countries; Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica; are commonly referred to as Central America.
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Germany is historically one of the most important of all nations. Since emerging from its days as a Roman province, Germany (including Prussia) has had a central role in European affairs.
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South Africa has become the world's symbol of racism. From the moment the Dutch colonists set foot on the Cape in 1652, this nation has steered a straight course toward apartheid, resulting in consistent civil unrest.
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The “isle of poets and scholars” has known almost constant warfare for centuries. In 1920, it was divided into North and South.
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Recent events have made it clear that the Soviet Union is not a monolith; it’s a collection of nationalities, many with serious objection to union.
Strategically located, The Philippine Islands have been one of the keys to American policy in the Pacific. But this loose island chain has a bitter history, vacillating between oppression and rebellion.
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This island was once a clearing house for importing slaves into the New World. It later became one of the world’s few remaining bastions of Marxism, proclaiming socio-economic equality.
By the end of World War I, Britain had promised control of Palestine both to Arabs and Jews. Each of these peoples claimed a longstanding right to the same piece of land, and violence was inevitable.
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