Audiobooks Narrated by
Gireesh Nair
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Everyone is a salesperson by some measure and selling is not a pushy, winner-take-all, macho act. It is an empathy-led, process-driven, knowledge-intensive discipline.
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Banda Singh Bahadur appeared in Sikh history for a relatively short period (1708-1716) but, after the Sikh gurus, influenced it more significantly than any other individual.
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Viral marketing should not be a happy accident Aashish Chopra's first viral video was shot with close to no budget and sparing equipment. Yet, today, his content has over 350 million views and industry masters universally agree that Aashish has cracked the viral code.
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We all think to earn a lot of money, a large house to live, a luxury car, a lavish lifestyle and to earn name and fame.
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In this book, one of the world's best-known Zen Buddhist teachers offers practical guidance and meditation techniques to practise the art of mindfulness in our daily lives.
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