Audiobooks Narrated by
Cynthia Bishop
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A father's wounded heart. A mother's patient love. An eager boy, an impetuous girl, and, above all, the healing power of nature.
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It’s a well known fact that a new-born princess will often be subject to a curse—especially if her royal parents neglect to invite an important magical relative to the christening.
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The Trojan War is over, and Odysseus longs to return to wife and son on his island kingdom of Ithaca. But between hero and home stands an array of dangers unlike any ever faced by mortal man.
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There is no finer way to welcome young people (or adults!) to the pleasures of Shakespeare than with these four masterful retellings of the Bard's most beloved plays....
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Theseus sets off to meet his father and claim the throne of Athens. But first he must defeat many obstacles, including giants, trolls, and the vicious Crommyonian Boar.
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