
Audiobooks Narrated by Chris Widener

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Network marketing has never been easier, when you have the right mindset. If you apply yourself to these 3 direct selling ideas taught by Jim Rohn, developing a lucrative second stream of income is right around the corner.

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For the first time in history, Chris shares his insights on what made Jim Rohn tick during his years as speaker, author, and leader.

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Develop the techniques of a million dollar earner by using these trusted methods from top MLM leaders.

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Feel like life is out of control? Wish you could balance work and family, health and fun? You need to bring your life into balance....

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The breakout business parable that's already sold more than 70,000 copies, The Angel Inside tells the story of a young man searching for meaning in his work and finding it in an unlikely place: the life and art of Michelangelo.

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There was a time when everyone knew what a real man was.... Now, with changing times, values, and roles, many men struggle with what it means to be a "real man" in the 21st century.

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Ever wished you could take time away from work to attend the in-person seminars led by the nations top investment gurus and financial speakers?

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The Art of Influence will make you think twice about everything you've ever learned about influence. As Chris Widener’s inspiring story reveals, it’s not something you "do" to other people but rather something that starts with how you shape and transform your own life. Forget about manipulation and slick fast-talking; The Art of Influence teaches that your ability to influence others begins from within.

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The Motivation Mastery Audio Series is a collection of success interviews led by master storyteller Chris Widener. Hear from the world's top motivational speakers including Brian Tracy and Dr. Denis Waitley.

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In networking situations, anyone can feel awkward at one time or another - even those charismatic extroverts who look like they are having all the fun.

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