
Audiobooks Narrated by Bellona Times

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One of Maugham's most famous short stories, Rain unfolds in a soggy tropical paradise marred by self-righteous hypocrites trying to force their moral beliefs on a girl who basically just wants to have fun.

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This is a collection of a series of journalistic articles written during his travels throughout WWI era Europe that Churchill…

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Pretty but socially clueless Bernice lets her know-it-all cousin push her around, but eventually, something's gotta give!

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In his 1922 book Creative Unity, Tagore provides insights into creativity and argues that the purpose of man is for creation. He draws on his rich knowledge of art from East and West to call for a creative unity and a university to uphold this ideal.

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The Lady of the Camellias (French: La Dame aux camélias) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils, first published in 1848, that was subsequently adapted for the stage.

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Classic shortish story by Conrad that relates his self-thought alienation from British society, as a young foreign man survives a shipwreck off the coast of Kent, England only to be shunned by most of the townsfolk.

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This is a sequel of sorts to 37 American Poems, one of my first solos. Concentration here is on late 19th to early 20th Century works by US poets.

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Written in 1903, just sixty years after the word ‘hypnotism' was coined, this book explores the contemporary understanding of the nature, uses and dangers of the technique.

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The Family Kitchen Gardener contains plain and accurate descriptions (ca 1847) of all the different species and varieties of specifically American culinary vegetables, fruit, and herbs in alphabetical order.

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Engaging history of American Lit from the 1600's up through the late 1890's. The author, who was a professor at Knox College, really put a lot into this, combining national history with his love for literature.

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