
Audiobooks Narrated by Anuj Datta

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Fifteen Brave Men and Women of Bharat who Never Succumbed to the Challenges of Invaders But were Lost and Forgotten in the Annals of History. These are the stories of those Bravehearts who Fought to Protect their Rights, Faith and Freedom.

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Who was Radha, and why has she captured the imagination of so many writers across centuries? No other goddess combines the elements of bhakti and shringara quite as exquisitely as the divine milkmaid.

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Nobody has done more harm to me than Jawaharlal Nehru, wrote Subhas Chandra Bose in 1939.

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In the 1970s, Rajesh Khanna achieved the kind of fame that no film star had ever experienced before or has since.

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In the past few years, the popularity of yoga as the ultimate key to fitness, both physical and mental, has resulted in a plethora of books, videos and audio tapes designed to guide a learner through the various asanas prescribed by the Yogasutra.

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Careers are changing, and the capabilities required to stay relevant are changing even more rapidly.

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As a fledgling doctor, what would you choose: practising medicine in rural India or going abroad in search of financial security?

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Is there a secret to winning all the time? What is the Stuff Champions are made of?

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The Tatas have a legacy of nation-building over 150 years. Dancing across this long arc of time are thousands of beautiful, astonishing stories, many of which can inspire and provoke us, even move us to meaningful action in our own lives.

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Opportunities are free, abundant, and available to all - including you. Better yet, golden opportunities are like powerful magnets that attract all the resources you need to succeed.

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