William Rosen
Audio Books
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by William Rosen
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The Emperor Justinian reunified Rome's fractured empire by defeating the Goths and Vandals who had separated Italy, Spain, and North Africa from imperial rule.
by William Rosen
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For fans of Microbe Hunters: the epic history of how antibiotics were born, saving millions of lives and creating a vast new industry known as Big Pharma.
by William Rosen
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An award-winning author tells the story of the men responsible for the Industrial Revolution and the machine that drove it--the steam engine.
by William Rosen
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With wit and sharp insight, former Traffic Commissioner of New York City Sam Schwartz, a.k.a. "Gridlock Sam", one of the most respected transportation engineers in the world and consummate insider in NYC political circles, uncovers how American cities became so beholden to cars.
by William Rosen
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How a seven-year cycle of rain, cold, disease, and warfare created the worst famine in European history.
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