Wendy McElroy
Audio Books
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by Wendy McElroy
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With a culture dating back to at least 700 B.C., West Africa has a long and rich history. British influence after the 16th century, and especially in the 18th century, changed the region's course.
by Wendy McElroy
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After WWII, Korea was divided in half at the 38th parallel. To the north were the Communists; to the south were the United Nations peacekeeping forces.
by Wendy McElroy
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Two Treatises of Government is the most famous and influential defense of limited government ever published....
by Wendy McElroy
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Civil Disobedience is Thoreau's argument for the deliberate violation of laws for reasons of conscience....
by Wendy McElroy
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Alexis de Tocqueville, a young French aristocrat, captured the essence of nineteenth-century America in his penetrating work, Democracy in America....
by Wendy McElroy
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This is the story of a war during which one American President was assassinated, another declined to seek re-election, and a third was discredited.
by Wendy McElroy
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Germany is historically one of the most important of all nations. Since emerging from its days as a Roman province, Germany (including Prussia) has had a central role in European affairs.
by Wendy McElroy
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The “isle of poets and scholars” has known almost constant warfare for centuries. In 1920, it was divided into North and South.
by Wendy McElroy
Strategically located, The Philippine Islands have been one of the keys to American policy in the Pacific. But this loose island chain has a bitter history, vacillating between oppression and rebellion.
by Wendy McElroy
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The Constitution was a controversial document, which was passionately debated by the best minds in the land....
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