Tom Magliozzi
Audio Books
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25 Titles
by Tom Magliozzi
America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus.
by Tom Magliozzi
America’s favorite auto mechanics share reminiscences, rants, and hate mail in another time-wasting yet genuinely useful collection of highlights from their long-running radio show.
by Tom Magliozzi
From Click and Clack, possibly America's most-trusted car experts, come four all-time favorite episodes from the popular radio show--complete, unexpurgated, and hilarious.
by Tom Magliozzi
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The Car Talk guys talk with Terry about their first garage and more.
by Tom Magliozzi
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In 1987, Tom and Ray Magliozzi, also known as Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, made the leap from nursing the motley car population of New England to creating the nationally beloved public radio phenomenon that we all know as Car Talk.
by Tom Magliozzi
These are calls that "Car Talk" listeners remember and want to hear again and again. This new collection features ten calls, each one a classic if by "classic" one means "memorable."
by Tom Magliozzi
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Moms have served honorably in the minivan wars; they've negotiated conflicting advice between husbands and fathers; they've done it all, without fanfare. Now brothers Tom and Ray Magliozzi give mothers their due respect in this new collection of calls from CAR TALK.
by Tom Magliozzi
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Tom and Ray Magliozzi are America's foremost auto mechanics. Usually people phone in to their radio show with questions about cars - buying them, driving them, keeping them running.
by Tom Magliozzi
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Just what is a Car Talk classic....
by Tom Magliozzi
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When a question about anti-lock brakes becomes and entrée for dispensing marital advice, you know you've entered the world of Click and Clack, the Car Talk guys.
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